loop though textfiles

Bernhard Reiter bernhard at intevation.de
Mon May 14 10:59:57 EDT 2001

In article <i9SL6.10396$sk3.2792361 at newsb.telia.net>,
	"Martin Johansson" <045521104 at telia.com> writes:

> How can I do if I want to do a searchmethon on several textfiles? 

There are several possibilities.

> Can I use fileinput and how should I do?

Yes. Check my small snipplet and the fileinput documentation.

#! /bin/env python
"""" Per line processing example. """"

import sys
import string
import fileinput


def process(line):
        """ Process one inputline and spit out, what we want. """
        # get rid of the possible newline and the whitespace around chars
for lines in fileinput.input(filenames):

> It must be some kind of loop.
Yes. :)

> this is the lines I want to do on every textfile.

The examples above should help you to get the right idea.

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