wanted. english word.

Darren New dnew at san.rr.com
Thu May 31 12:38:33 EDT 2001

Greg Ewing wrote:
> I don't think so. The processing required is negligible,
> and it really *does* make one feel better to see that
> something is being done. 

My complaint is with the animations that keep going even when the
process they represent isn't. For example, use Windows to drag a file
over a network. The little pages keep flying across the screen even when
the connection is hug. What good is *that*? :-)

Darren New / Senior MTS & Free Radical / Invisible Worlds Inc.
       San Diego, CA, USA (PST).  Cryptokeys on demand.
     This is top-quality raw fish, the Rolls-Rice of Sushi!

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