Python/Zope vs. Java/JSP

kosh kosh at
Sun May 20 05:00:04 EDT 2001

tszeto wrote:

> I've used Java/JSP at work but I'm just starting to learn Python for fun.
> Was wondering how Python/Zope compared to Java/JSP in terms of speed,
> scalability, etc.
> Any help appreciated. Thanks.
> -Ted

That depends on how well you can write efficient code in each langauge. I 
have seen some very fast and some very slow zope sites. The problem is 
optimizations in one language sometimes translate badly in another 
language. However programmers tend to learn one "best" way to do things and 
then use it in all their other languages without realizing they were doing 
things in the most inefficient manner possible in the new language.

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