wxPython or TKinter?

Robin Dunn robin at stop.spam.alldunn.com
Thu May 17 17:45:17 EDT 2001

> wxPython is wonderful and all that, but execution is very slow. I tried
> py2exe, but 1. output file is huge 2. it is also slow. I think Tkinter is
> more mainstream. Are there distinct advantages? Is there a way to speed up
> wxPython?

Startup time is slow.  Once everything is loaded then it is fairly fast.
I'm working on a couple ideas for speeding up the load-time, one of which
will be in the next release, the other may be coming in the release after
that if I can get it working.

Robin Dunn
Software Craftsman
robin at AllDunn.com       Java give you jitters?
http://wxPython.org      Relax with wxPython!

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