I managed to delete my pysol's html directory.

Laura Creighton lac at cd.chalmers.se
Sun May 27 04:03:47 EDT 2001

Ulrich Goertz <lentugo at web.de> writes:
>For me it was enough to put an empty file there. 
>Also, an exe file for Windows seems to be available at
>and a tar-ball can be found at
>(I didn't download the files completely, but the links seem to work.)
>Anyway, if you still want the license file, just send me an email.

This from the man who knows that my reason to use windows is to find
and fix (or make a workaround for) the nasty bug he found in Tcl or
Tk.  (No joy on that front yet.  How do you windows programmers
ever get anything done with everything all locked up in DLLs somewhere?
I spend all my time chasing my own tail!)

Alas, that site does not work.  It just spits lots of gorp out onto
my web browser screen, rather than giving me a file.  And alas, making
an html/license.htm blank file only makes pysol notice that I don't
have any of the rules.html files either.

So I'm going to ask Ulrich for an entire html tar, and see if that works.


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