*Real* Python on a PDA

Andrew Kuchling akuchlin at mems-exchange.org
Tue May 22 17:14:21 EDT 2001

"Jeff Kunce" <kuncej at mail.conservation.state.mo.us> writes:
> rough as a PDA, but it's a great toy for Linux fans. Python
> 1.5.2 and 2.1 have both been ported - and I'm talking
> about full python here - not like the deploy-only version
> for the Palm. pyFLTK is even available for GUI work.

How much free memory does a running Python process have on the
machine?  Enough to build a sizable UI or crunch a moderately large
amount of data?  And has anyone built any apps in Python for it?
(I've been speculating about getting an Agenda for a while; bonus
points if the Agenda could prove useful at work...)


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