[Python-Dev] New metaclass pattern (Was Re: Simulating Class (was Re: Does Python have Class methods))

James_Althoff at i2.com James_Althoff at i2.com
Wed May 23 16:14:08 EDT 2001

Guido wrote:
>Yes.  You should be able to subclass an existing metaclass!
>Fortunately, in the descr-branch code in CVS, this is possible.  I
>haven't explored it much yet, but it should be possible to do things
>Integer = type(0)
>Class = Integer.__class__   # same as type(Integer)
>class MyClass(Class):
>    ...
>MyObject = MyClass("MyObject", (), {})
>myInstance = MyObject()
>Here MyClass declares a metaclass, and MyObject is a regular class
>that uses MyClass for its metaclass.  Then, myInstance is an instance
>of MyObject.
>--Guido van Rossum (home page: http://www.python.org/~guido/)

Nice!  Can you then do:

import new

def myObjectMethod(self): pass

MyObject.myObjectMethod =


(as with "non-class-object" instances)???

Any news on the "conflicting methods" issue (e.g., (instance|class).


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