O(n^2) is bad - can it be fixed?

Isaac To Kar Keung kkto at csis.hku.hk
Sat May 26 03:30:36 EDT 2001

>>>>> "Tim" == Tim Peters <tim.one at home.com> writes:

    Tim> It can be *delayed*, but Win9x VM management is such that address
    Tim> space will still get fragmented beyond hope unless Python also
    Tim> takes over allocating heaps.  This gets absurd.

Disclaimer: I don't run a WinXX OS, so I've got no way to test whatever I
say here.

I'm actually wondering how it can be this bad in WinXX.  If it can make it
more than say 50% of the space unusable due to fragmentation, then I agree
that it is so hopelessly broken that Python shouldn't deal with it at all.
Yes, at all.  Python, as an application, don't have the VM tools to do this


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