Could anyone explain __class__?

Michael P. Soulier msoulier at
Sat May 19 11:30:18 EDT 2001

On 19 May 2001 08:15:10 -0700, MikeK <mkent at> wrote:
> I'm having trouble understanding the function of the built-in class method
> __class__.  The documentation is terse, to say the least.
> From code examples (, forex.), it appears that self.__class__()
> returns a new instance of the class of the instance in which it is called.
> This would imply that the new instances' __init__ method would be called,
> which would mean that you must make sure that you give __class__() the
> correct arguments, just like you would if you instantiated the class in
> the normal method (e.g. myInstance = UserList(<args>)).
> Am I right, wrong, close, or what?

    Seems to be a reference to the class object. 

>>> class Parent:
...     pass
>>> parent = Parent()
>>> dir(parent)
>>> parent.__class__
<class __main__.Parent at 0x8056b9c>
>>> class Parent:
...     pass
>>> parent = Parent()
>>> dir(parent)
>>> parent.__class__
<class __main__.Parent at 0x804dafc>

    So here, parent.__class__ is the same as Parent, so calling it as a
function would return a new instance of that class. 

    BTW, does anyone know why dir(parent) did not show __class__ as one of the
attributes? Does it not show inherited attributes?



Michael P. Soulier <msoulier at> 
"With sufficient thrust, pigs fly just fine. However, this is not necessarily a
good idea. It is hard to be sure where they are going to land, and it could be
dangerous sitting under them as they fly overhead." -- RFC 1925

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