Distributed computing in Python - Callback howto ?

Eugene.Leitl at lrz.uni-muenchen.de Eugene.Leitl at lrz.uni-muenchen.de
Sat May 26 14:15:57 EDT 2001

Sasa Zivkov wrote:
> I have tried XML-RPC but it appears not to support callbacks.
> Maybe SOAP or Corba or something else ?

Have you thought about rolling your own with Python MPI and active
messages? Btw, I've checked MPI seriously by taking a course and
buying "Parallel programming with MPI" by Peter S. Pacheco, and
it does seem to be a very robust and scalable infrastructure,
even if you're not doing numerics (as the rather notorious 
Konrad Hinsen, ferinstance).

If you need the alphabet soup technologies for interoperability,
it's of course different, but for serious haul on more or less orthogonal
parallel iron MPI seems de rigeur.

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