Where O Where Did My Data Buffer Go?

Steve Holden sholden at holdenweb.com
Wed May 2 17:54:34 EDT 2001

"Ben Ocean" <zope at thewebsons.com> wrote in ...
> Hi,
> I'm trying (for several days now) to capture data in a data buffer and
> parse it. Someone suggested I use the *parse* functions in the cgi module
> (which include *parse_qs* and *parse_qsl*). Okay, great. Now, how do I get
> the freakin data buffer in there? In other words...
> parse_qsl(???)
> and I need to fill in the ??? It's not as easy as just tossing in *form*
> from this line:
> form = cgi.FieldStorage()
> So, what do I do?
> TIA,
> BenO

I should say the first thing you needed was a clue. I've responded to your
inquiries on the newsgroup and by email, without ever having any reply, or
any indication that your insight into the problem had improved.
Are you simply stabbing around blindly, with no knowledge of the
architecture of the system you are trying to build a component for? What's
going on here? Asking the same question using five different wordings does
not enlighten the unenlightened :-)

Where IS "the freaking data buffer"? We aren't mind readers (though some on
c.l.py do well at psychic debugging). Is the page you are framing from some
other site a form? If it is, then all it can send is CGI data, and the CGI
module will meet your needs. What else do you need to know?

We can't help you solve your problem until we understand it. Until *you*
understand it, that goal seems some distance off.

c.l.py-is-also-garbage-in-garbage-out-ly y'rs  - steve

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