Python 2.0 quick reference...

Aahz Maruch aahz at
Sat May 19 17:19:37 EDT 2001

In article <2otcgt8u7km5ciff9b4jbj49kgmnvsl147 at>,
David Fuess  <fuess1 at> wrote:
>On 18 May 2001 20:58:41 GMT, kamikaze at (Mark
>'Kamikaze' Hughes) wrote:
>>  [about Lynx]
>>  I've encountered people who are hostile to it before (sometimes VERY
>>hostile, verging on religious jihad, as though the existence of a text
>>browser is somehow causing them direct physical harm), but this is the
>>first time I've seen someone who allegedly uses computers regularly who
>>didn't know what it was.
>--- RANT ALERT ---
>Now this is a point that has always confused me. Why on earth would
>anyone be hostile against something as benign as a piece of software?
>If you don't like it, don't use it. If something bad happens to your
>system when you use it then a) don't use it again, b) look at the
>developers, not the software for the cause. If I don't like a program,
>I give it no space on my system nor bandwidth in my thoughts. There
>are lots of things in this world to get religious about, but software
>just isn't one of them. And this includes the never ending OS wars!
>--- RANT OFF ---

The problem is that your rant leaves out interoperability issues.  For
example, consider how a user of MS Word feels on receiving a document in
LaTeX format.  That's the way a lot of webmasters feel about Lynx.
                      --- Aahz  <*>  (Copyright 2001 by aahz at

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