GNU/Linux vs. Windows as Python platform

Toby Dickenson tdickenson at
Fri May 18 07:04:05 EDT 2001

"Terry Reedy" <reedy37 at> wrote:

>Has anyone (reading this) had experience with running Python under both
>Windows and Linux/Unix on the same machine (or equivalent machines)?  If
>so, have you noticed any advantages either way?  (Other than the issue of
>prebuilt versus compile-your-own binaries.)
>Thanks in advance.

Several other people have provided minor advantages of one platform
over another, but I have a different opinion....

Python is so remarkably portable that there is little to choose
between platforms, if python is your priority. This is true for python
as a development platform, and for running most programs written in

Toby Dickenson
tdickenson at

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