O(n^2) is bad - can it be fixed?

E. Mark Ping emarkp at CSUA.Berkeley.EDU
Tue May 22 02:46:35 EDT 2001

In article <3B09FBF9.8691EBFE at accessone.com>,
Helen Dawson  <helend at accessone.com> wrote:
>List does much better. Why? It probably does the same thing that the
>STL vector typically does - the allocabe space doubles whenever it
>runs out of room, and then the newly allocated space is filled in
>as needed.

Doubtful.  It most likely does what std::list<> does--it allocates
space each time a new entry is added.  That's linear, not n^2 time.
std::vector<> uses geometric allocation to get amortized constant
allocation time.

If you need to add on character at a time, choose the data structure
that does what you want.  Perhaps a list of char?
Mark Ping                     
emarkp at soda.CSUA.Berkeley.EDU 

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