Python job survey

szhao shichang at
Tue May 1 12:40:38 EDT 2001

"Joseph Santaniello" <someone at> wrote in message
news:Pine.LNX.4.33.0104282014220.778-100000 at
> Hello All,
> I am a Python advocate and have been using it myself for almost 2 years
> and am completely sold on it's greatness. My company is debating what
> language/platform to use for future development of a reasonably large
> enterprise type project. The contenders are Java and Python. I am not
> interested in the technical merits of either but more in knowing about the
> available talent pool. Our concern is that the future maintenance of the
> product could be in jeopardy because it may prove difficult to find Python
> programmers. I know all about how easy Python is to learn and how good
> programmers aren't bound to a single language, etc, but to truly satisfy
> management that Python is a viable alternative, I have to prove that there
> is a reasonably easy to access pool of ready-to-roll Python talent. So
> here's my simple survey which I would appreciate as many responses to as
> possible for the future good of my company (and maybe someday yours!) and
> the furthering of the use of Python:
> How old are you:
> How many years have you been programming:
> How long have you been using Python:
> Where do you live:
Pittsburgh, PA
> Would you consider relocating to Los Angeles:
Yes, if a great pay.
> Would you require visa sponsorship:
> What is your current salary:
> What field do you work in: (finance, internet, movies, etc)
> Your responses are greatly appreciated! Also anyone with experience in
> recruiting a Python team who would like to share their experiences is
> invited to do so.
> Thanks,
> Joseph

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