Pthon scripting question.

José Rui Faustino de Sousa jrfsousaREMOVE00594872 at
Tue May 15 19:00:40 EDT 2001


Is it possible to make something like this work:

<script language="python" type="text/python" >
    print 'Hello World!'

I have also tryed to do it like this:

<script language="python" type="text/python" src="" />

and although the script runs (and writes to a file) it does not seam to
be able to output to the browser canvas.

I have been looking around and was not able to find anything that could
use python directly...

Any advice? Pointers?

Best regards
José Rui

[On doctrinaire religions] Men dare not avow, even to their own hearts,
the doubts which they entertain on such subjects. They make a merit of
implicit faith; and disguise to themselves their real infidelity, by the
strongest asseverations and the most positive bigotry. - David Hume.
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Real Programmers do sig blocks in Fortran 95.

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