Date/time support in pyhton

scott smarsh at
Tue May 15 19:29:16 EDT 2001

Paolo Salvan wrote:

> Hi all!
> question: is there in the wide standard python library suport for
> date/time handling?
> Can I get a date, add 15 month to it, get the difference (in days,
> months, years) betweeen this date and another date, etc....????
> I've heard of (...too...) powerful add-on libs, but I think that basic
> date/time support should be present in the standard library...
> ...some opinion????
>                                                     Paolo

Not in the standard library, but does this sound appropriate for your needs?

class NormalDate:
    NormalDate is a specialized class to handle dates without
    all the excess baggage (time zones, daylight savings, leap
    seconds, etc.) of other date structures.  The minimalist
    strategy greatly simplifies its implementation and use.

>>> import normalDate
>>> then = ND(20000215)
>>> now = ND(20010515)
>>> diff = now - then
>>> diff


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