Why aren't we all speaking LISP now?

Steven D. Majewski sdm7g at Virginia.EDU
Mon May 14 13:12:10 EDT 2001

On Mon, 14 May 2001, Grant Edwards wrote:

> Interesting.  My only exposer to "real" Lisp (as opposed to
> Scheme) was in school, and all of the examples shown used
> recursion.  Scheme apparently differs from Lisp (at least in
> usage) more that I was led to believe.

 If you hang out on comp.lang.lisp & comp.lang.scheme long enough,
you'll hear some occasional Scheme-Sucks---No-Common-Lisp-Sucks 
flames almost as good as the Perl vs. Python battles.  
 There was even a recent thread denying that Scheme should even be
considered a "Lisp" -- that under a surface simularity, there is
a very different language model and philosophy. ( But to most of
us in comp.lang.python, that would look rather like a Baptist /
Methodist debate would look to a Buddhist! ) 

-- Steve Majewski

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