Tkinter problems

Isaac To Kar Keung kkto at
Wed May 23 11:32:30 EDT 2001

>>>>> "Christian" == Christian Maus <maus at> writes:

    Christian> In one of these childwindows I put a button which calls a
    Christian> method to create a new frame in the childwindow. Instead of
    Christian> creating a new frame in this childwindow, containing a label
    Christian> and an entry, it is created in my mainwindow. When I insert a
    Christian> label directly into the window, instead of a new frame the
    Christian> label is created in the childwindow just as I intended.

Probably because you didn't tell Tkinter that you want to create the
subwindow with the window as the parent.  Remember that Tkinter has no idea
about *your* class hierarchy.  It has *its own* idea about the parent-child
relationships among the widgets.  So be sure to create a widget like

  self.mylabel = Label(self.mytoplevel, option1=value1, ...)


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