Active State and the PSF

Paul Prescod paulp at
Tue May 29 12:00:44 EDT 2001

Jim Abrams wrote:
> I faintly remember a friend of mine at Sapient extolling his woes as having
> to use Tcl as an embedded language for some project of his. He was mostly
> upset that he couldn't use Perl because of the GPL would require that some
> portions of the project remain free?

Perl comes under two licenses. One is the GPL. The other is very
liberal. He could have used Perl under the other license. But you were
still right to encourage him to use Python for other reasons. <wink>

> This was where I pushed Python on him (of which he and other Sapient folk
> have converted), but the question I am getting at is:
> Forgive my lazyiness in not deciphering the GPL, but does the GPL put some
> legal restriction of the use of GPL'ed widgets in commerical widgets?

Python is not licensed under the GPL or anything remotely like it.

> Will the new Python license uphold the 'free to do just about anything' feel
> is has now?


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