Retrofitting 2.1b1 "No buffer space available" fix to 2.0

u263183593 at u263183593 at
Wed Mar 7 01:31:55 EST 2001

When using multiple threads, httplib, and from the
Vaults of Parnassus under Win98SE, I get numerous "No buffer space
available" IOError exceptions.

This problem is fixed in the 2.1beta1 release. Is it possible to
retrofit 2.0 with the fix? I'd rather not wait for 2.1 to become

I tried to rebuild 2.0 using the 1.30 revision of socketmodule.c from
sourceforge which fixes "closing sockets was not thread-safe", but I
still got the same IOErrors. Does anyone know which other changes
might have fixed the problem? didn't seem to have any
relevant changes.

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