Uploading a file via POST ?

Lars von Wedel vonWedel at lfpt.rwth-aachen.de
Wed Mar 28 07:19:49 EST 2001


You might want to try cgiupload:


I'm using it for a similar purpose, see if it fits your needs...


Oliver Hofmann wrote:
> 'lo everyone!
> I am trying to write a small client in Python which submits a file
> to a webpage via the POST method. Part of the .html reads:
> ----
> <FORM METHOD=POST  ENCTYPE=multipart/form-data
>    ACTION="/cgi-bin/tst.pl_batch"
>           onsubmit="return FSubmitValidation(this)">
> <INPUT TYPE=text SIZE=40 NAME=Email_Address>
> <INPUT TYPE=file NAME=UpLoad_File SIZE=50>
> ----
> I've taken a look at urllib.urlopen, however it seems to be limited
> more or less to GET requests. An optional data-argument must be
> in 'standard application/x-www-form-urlencoded format'; since the
> form requires multipart form-data this is probably not going to
> work.
> Is there an easy way to upload a file and pass parameters to the
> server script?
> Thanks a lot,
>         Oliver
> --
> http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list
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