ASCII encoding error: ordinal not in range(128)

Tim Peters at
Wed Mar 21 19:52:05 EST 2001

>  >>> UnicodeError: ASCII encoding error: ordinal not in range(128)
> ...
> Anything is better than what it says now!
> even-a-ham-sandwich-ly y'rs  - tim

[Mark Hammond]
> I'm a little confused.

That's because you're Australian!  So all the blood flows to your head, away
from the organ most normal guys think with.

> Are you proposing:
> UnicodeError: ASCII encoding error: ordinal not in ham sandwich
> or
> UnicodeError: ASCII encoding error: ham sandwich not in range(128)
> ??

Either of those is better than "ordinal not in range(128)", yes?  In America,
kids grow up with this violation of transitivity:

    Q: Why is a ham sandwich better than happiness in life?

    A: Because nothing is better than happiness in life, and a
       ham sandwich is better than nothing.  QED

> I prefer the former as that is something you would never find in my
> samdwiches.  However, trying to predict exactly what Tim will stick in
> his mouth is a fools folly <wink>

I've even been known to get Marmite *near* my mouth -- but never actually in
it yet.  Vegamite is right out.

    UnicodeError: ASCII unpalatable error: vegamite found, ham expected

> mmmmm-ham-ly,

leave-the-fat-for-me-ly y'rs  - tim

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