Python style questions

François Granger francois.granger at
Sat Mar 17 11:20:43 EST 2001

Alex Martelli <aleaxit at> wrote:

> If you give us a specific, similarly-small example that
> you dream to be able to code with a switch (and are
> presumably now coding with if/elif), we can help you
> translate this into some form of dispatching...

Thanks for the proposal. And let expose my realy bad coding style :-)
(I am not a programmer, and most if not all I do in Python is at home,
by night, and for my pleasure)

In order to exercise some Neural Network and Genetic Algorithm that I am
currently trying to code, I wrote a simple TicTacToe game. The idea is
that I want to have the following possibilities:
- one player can choose a token between 'X' and 'O'
- games can be human against one of NN or GA or NN against GA or even
two different NN or GA against each other. These NN or GA are handled by
the player class wich in turn call the corresponding class.
- one of them is the starter of the game.

To call a non human player, I have a simple class 'player' with a
methode play() wich return the move as a tuple of integer between 0 & 2.
It has also to handle the feed back about win or lost to allow for NN or
GA to "learn".

I am currently on the following dispatch issue wich is far from corect:

def game():
    print 'Starting game.'
    a = tictactoe() # create a new game
    ans = raw_input('Who start (h/c) : ')
    if  (ans[0]=='q' or ans[0]=='Q'):
    human = userinput   # proc to handle human interaction
    c = player('X') # create a machine player
    computer =
    if (ans[0]=='h' or ans[0]=='H'):
        first, second = human, computer
        first, second = computer, human
    while 1:
        if a.turn % 2:
            move, token = second(a)
            move, token = first(a)
        a.valid(move, token)
        win = a.won()
        if win == 'tie':
            print 'tie'
            # call player with tie
            # exit game
        elif win == 'X':
            print 'X'
            # call player with X
            # exit game
        elif win == 'O':
            print 'O'
            # call player with O
            # exit game

Une faq de frj:, près de l'encyclopédie
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