Gaussian line profile using numeric python

Geoff Low geoff at
Thu Mar 29 06:03:58 EST 2001


I have an extensive set of xy data that I want to convolute with a gaussian
profile.  Below is my algorithm,  which doesn't work.  Can anyone see where
I'm being dumb?

import Numeric
from MLab import sum
from Numeric import arange,zeros,transpose,shape,exp,power,pi
from TableIO import readTableAsArray,TableFromColumns,writeTable
from math import sqrt

def get_data(filename):
    d = readTableAsArray(filename,'#')
    x = d[:,0]
    y = d[:,1]
    del d
    return x,y

def main(inpfile,outfile='res.out',sfreq=350,efreq=5050,stepf=2,fwhm=2.5):
    fin,iin = get_data(inpfile)
    xpt = arange(sfreq,efreq,stepf,'d')
    ypt = calcspec(fin,iin,xpt,fwhm)
    del fin,iin
def put_data(filename,x,y):
    tmp = TableFromColumns([x,y])
    tmp['filename'] = filename
    del tmp
def calcspec(fin,iin,x,fw):
    norm,expterm = 0.0,0.0
    inten = zeros((len(x)),'d')
    norm = float(1/(sqrt(2.0*pi)*fw))
    expterm = float(1/(2*(fw**2)))
    for i in range(len(x)):
        print "Starting step ",i+1,"of ",len(x)
        print "sum fin: ",sum(fin)," sum iin: ",sum(iin) 
        print "x[",i,"] = ",x[i],"; SUM(x[",i,"] - fin) = ",sum((x[i]-fin[:]),0)
        #inten[i] = sum((norm*iin[:]*exp(-1.0*(power((expterm*(xpts[i]-fin[:])),2)))),0)
        inten[i] = norm*sum(iin[:]*exp(-1.0*(power(((x[i]-fin[:])*expterm),2))))
        #for j in range(len(fin)):
        #inten[i] = inten[i] + float(norm*iin[j]*exp(-1.0*((expterm*(xpts[i]-fin[j]))**2)))
    return inten

P.S.  I'm no math wizard but this is my interpretation of the gaussian lineshape
G(v) = 1/(sqrt(2*PI)*FWHM)*exp(-(v-vo)^2/(2*FWHM^2))


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