Converting a text data file from positional to tab delimited.

Emile van Sebille emile at
Tue Mar 13 11:33:06 EST 2001

I was in the mood for some obfustication this morning:
  (Note:  this will wrap.  there are three lines, one each for srceRecs,
fldmap and converted)

srceRecs = "aaabbbccc\nddd111222\n333444eee\n"
fldmap = [('fld1',0,3),('fld2',3,6),('fld3',6,9)]
converted = [ "".join ( [x + ['', '\t'][0 + z in [ p[2]-1 for p in
fldmap ] ] for x, z in map(None, list(srcerec) ,xrange(fldmap[-1][-1])) ])
for srcerec in srceRecs.split('\n')[:-1] ]


didn't-get-what-I-really-wanted-ly y'rs  ;-)

Emile van Sebille
emile at

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