Einstein's Riddle

Alex Martelli aleaxit at yahoo.com
Mon Mar 12 04:35:06 EST 2001

"Boris Popov" <no-spam-popov at bigserver.com> wrote in message
news:98gp5b$1u0oi$1 at ID-75892.news.dfncis.de...
> "Bruce Elrick" <belrick at home.com> wrote in message
> news:3AABE712.499CCF4C at home.com...
> > I swear there is no evidence that any of them own a fish.  The German
> > owns an emu.
> >
> > Bruce
> I am missing something then. I thought my table satisfies all given
> statements and it has fish right under the german...
> -Boris
> P.S. What's emu ?

A large flightless bird, whose meat is appreciated by more and
more connaisseurs (it's red meat, reasonably tasty, quite soft,
light in cholesterol & fats).  You can get a LOT of information
about it from the American Emu Association, http://www.aea-emu.org/.
(Particularly with the many recent scares about "mad cow's disease"
aka BSE, emu meat has received a huge market boost -- it's now
quite common for supermarkets around here to offer it, restaurants
to feature it in several dishes, etc).

Any association with Europe's "Economic and Monetary Union" is,
one can hope, totally coincidental (some people WOULD argue that
_that_ EMU _is_ 'owned' "by the German", but that's a base and
unsubstantiated canard...).


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