Trouble running a Grayson Example

Robert Roy rjroy at
Mon Mar 5 20:46:45 EST 2001

On Mon, 05 Mar 2001 19:13:50 GMT, David Lees
<deblNonOspammy at> wrote:

>I am trying to run example 8.9 ( from Graysons book,
>under Python 2.0 and get the following errors.  Can someone tell me what
>is going on?  Perhaps this has to do with changes between 1.5.2 and 2.0
>Thanks in advance.
>david lees
>Traceback (most recent call last):  File
>"d:\Python20\Pythonwin\pywin\framework\", line 301, in
>    exec codeObject in __main__.__dict__
>  File "E:\Grayson1\Chapter08\", line 79, in ?
>   ddnotebook = DDNotebook()
>  File "E:\Grayson1\Chapter08\", line 55, in __init__
>  self.__createInterface()
>  File "E:\Grayson1\Chapter08\", line 282, in
>   self.createInterface()
>  File "E:\Grayson1\Chapter08\", line 75, in
>    self.createNotebook()
>  File "E:\Grayson1\Chapter08\", line 26, in
>createNotebook  Pmw.NoteBookR,(self.interior(),),)
>  File "E:\Downloads\pmw\Pmw\Pmw_0_8_4\lib\", line 174, in
>AttributeError: NoteBookR

The examples in the Grayson book were written using  an older version
of Pmw probably 0_8_1. NoteBookR ceased to exist in 0_8_3 and you are
using 0_8_4. There were some fundamentat changes to the way Notebook

The following code will work.

    def createNotebook(self):
# changed Pmw.NoteBookR to Pmw.NoteBook
        self.notebook = self.createcomponent('notebook', (), None,
        self.notebook.pack(side=TOP, expand=YES, fill=BOTH, padx=5,
        self.formwidth = self.root.winfo_width()
    def addPage(self, dictionary):
        table, top, anchor, incr, fields, \
            title, keylist = dataDict[dictionary]
# there is no label attribute anymore but a tab_text attribute
#        self.notebook.add(table,label=title)
        self.notebook.add(table, tab_text=title)
        self.current = 0
        ypos = top
        idx = 0
        for label, field, width, proc, valid, nonblank in fields:
            pstr = 'Label(,'\
                   'text="%s").place(relx=%f,rely=%f, anchor=E)\n' % \
                   (label, (anchor-0.02), ypos)
            if idx == keylist[0]:
# to
# did this in 3 places
                pstr = '%sself.%s=Entry(,'\
                       'highlightthickness=1)\n' % (pstr,field,width)
                pstr = '%sself.%s=Entry(,'\
                       'text="", insertbackground="yellow",'\
                       'width=%d+1)\n' % (pstr,field,width)
            pstr = ', rely=%f,'\
                   'anchor=W)\n' % (pstr,field,(anchor+0.02),ypos)
            exec '%sself.%sV=StringVar()\n'\
                 'self.%s["textvariable"] = self.%sV' % \
        ypos = ypos + incr
        idx = idx + 1

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