Einstein's Riddle

Gregory Jorgensen gregj at pobox.com
Mon Mar 12 03:31:22 EST 2001

Assuming the unknown pet is the fish, solving the puzzle doesn't take any great
skill with logic or math; certainly more than 2% of the population can figure it
out. I think the riddle demonstrates the fallacy of unwarranted assumptions.
It's a trick question; you work out the solution only to be told "I never said
anyone had fish." The more literal-minded the reader, the more likely they will
be taken in.

In article <984380185.768920 at news.aei.ca>, sulfugor says...
>But the fish is mentionned in the question before the clues are given. We
>are able to find who owns each of the 4 pets mentionned in the hint list. is
>it so unreasonable to assume then that the last pet is a fish, since we were
>asked about it ? The question IMplied that one of the 5 people owned a fish.
>ps = by the way, how long is this supposed to take ( solving the riddle) ?

Greg Jorgensen
Deschooling Society
Portland, Oregon, USA
gregj at pobox.com

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