Can Python replace Visual Basic? Should it?

Russell Nelson nelson at
Tue Mar 6 01:56:24 EST 2001

Brad Bollenbach wrote:
> Again, I'm much more interested in the real world experience of those who
> used to use the big visual development tools in Windows like VB, Delphi or
> Powerbuilder rather than theoretical answers.

I've built a little program in VB, and a program in
glade/pygtk/libglade/Python.  I can say for sure that the latter is
nearly as good as the former.  It needs to cooperate better with an
external text editor.  But there's no reason why it couldn't do that.

The really neat thing I've discovered so far is that when you use
libglade, your user interface layout has very little to do with the user
interface that drives it.  Your code knows to look for certain widgets,
and manipulate them as you have specified.  The user interface designer
knows to name certain widgets certain things.  Beyond that, though,
there's a nearly complete separation of functionality.  You can make the
same application run on wildly different size screens with NO code
changes.  Or, users can customize their screens.

-russ nelson <sig at>
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