os.spawnv problem

Reinhold Koch reinhold.koch at computer.org
Fri Mar 16 06:21:41 EST 2001

Hi python experts!

As a newcomer I just hit a wall with the little one-liner:

os.spawnv('P_WAIT',r'C:\rei\bin\PFE32.EXE', ('xx','yy'))

resulting in:

Traceback (innermost last):
  File "<pyshell#21>", line 1, in ?
    os.spawnv('P_WAIT',r'C:\rei\bin\PFE32.EXE', ('xx','yy'))
TypeError: an integer is required

First question: where is which integer required? Trying to debug and
view stack did not yield anything reasonable to me.
Second question: is spawnv generally not (yet) stable?

My environment:
Win2000 SP1
Python 2.0 (#8, Oct 16 2000, 17:27:58) [MSC 32 bit (Intel)] on win32
IDLE 0.6 -- press F1 for help

TIA for any comments

Reinhold Koch
reinhold.koch at computer.org

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