dtml-with and dtml-sqltest

alan runyan runyaga at thisbox.com
Thu Mar 29 23:57:37 EST 2001


the zope mailing list is more appropriate for ZOPE inquiries.  there is a
larger community focused solely on that domain.  please direct email to
zope at zope.org.  I dont really know what sqltest does, I have never used it.

you can try this:

sqlMethod -
arguement - aaa=1
SELECT * FROM table WHERE id=<dtml-sqlvar aaa type="int">


<dtml-let aaalist="[1,2,3]">
<dtml-in aaalist>
 <dtml-call "REQUEST.set('aaa', _['sequence-item'])">
 <dtml-in getPhById>
  <dtml-var PH>

the dtmlMethod should probably be in a PythonMethod that looks like:

stuff = []

for aaa in aaalist:
    for sql in container.getPhById({'aaa': aaa}): # _TRICKY_ ZSQLMethods *DO
NOT* use DTML namespace
       stuff.append(sql[0])                       # position in sql row

return stuff

Lessons learned: PythonMethods are cleaner (on a whole), ZSQL doesnt get a
DTML namespace, Dieter Maurer has most of the answers on the ZOPE mailing
list, just search through it @ egroups.


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