Digest Number 1946

Bill Bell bill-bell at bill-bell.hamilton.on.ca
Thu Mar 22 21:08:27 EST 2001

I'm new to Python, have been playing with someone's whois client, 
which contains the following lines:

        s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
        s.connect((self.whoisserver, 43))

The code works fine (as long as the requested whois server is 
available) if the argument to 'setblocking' is 1. However, if I change 
this to 0 I receive the diagnostic,

"The socket operation could not complete without blocking."

I cannot find the code that contains this literal. Would someone 
please suggest what might be going wrong.

Thanks for any help!

Bill Bell, MSc, Software Developer

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