LWP session problems

Xeno Campanoli xeno at bigger.aa.net
Sat Mar 10 01:01:28 EST 2001

I'm trying to make some Perlscripts work that need to make web client requests.
LWP, it turns out, is really hard (possibly impossible) to make work over multiple
requests for an SSL session because you can't seem to make it maintain the SessionId...
or at least, I haven't been able to make it do that, and nobody on the mailing lists
seems to have a clear answer.  

So, there must be a good (probably superior) web robot that does everything without
problems or obscurity or breakage in Python...Is there a class in Python I can use
effectively to program multiple requests in an SSL session?  If so, I'll try to use
it soon.  I keep hearing that Python and Python People do it better..so?

Sincerely, Xeno

Xeno Campanoli (erstwhile Xeno Whitenack, and Rick Burgess)
Email:	xeno at aa.net	(Web pages:  http://www.aa.net/~xeno)

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