Where can I find Docs on how to use the debugger please?

Paul Prescod paulp at ActiveState.com
Tue Mar 13 22:22:51 EST 2001

cmfinlay at SPAMmagnet.com.au wrote:
> Where can I find Docs on how to use the debugger please?
> I am using the Win32 version of Python 2.1
> I would like to set a breakpoint
> and then later step down the source code line by line.
> and view the source code as it is executed.

There are actually several Python debuggers and it is hard to know which
one you are asking about. How did you get into the debugger? What is on
the menu bar? Or are you talking about the command line debugger?
    Programming the way
    indented it.
       - (originated with Skip Montanaro?)

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