Newbie Dictionary Question

David Allen mda at
Sat Mar 31 17:04:30 EST 2001

In article <jfmx6.7861$iU.1496746 at>, "Gary Walker"
<borealis3 at> wrote:

> Actually, they don't have to be ordered, so I suppose (thinking aloud here)
> that I could use a dictionary of dictionaries, but again - it seems to me
> that I'd need to dynamically create a dictionary whose name isn't known
> until runtime...

A dictionary of dictionaries doesn't sound like too
bad of an idea.  Each "key" in the toplevel dictionary
would be the name of another dictionary.  In that
way, since keys are just strings, you can have a 
bunch of dictionaries with variable names. Like:

metadict = {}  # Empty top level dictionary
user_input = get_user_input()
metadict[user_input] = {}

Now you can populate metadict[user_input] with
a bunch of keys and values.  User_input might be
something from the user or more broadly just anything
that isn't know until runtime.  (Like the value of
a config varaible or whatever)

David Allen
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