ANNOUNCE PAGE 0.1.1 - Drag and Drop GUI Generator.

Don Rozenberg rozen at
Wed Mar 7 12:09:13 EST 2001

This version of PAGE, 0.1.1, contains my file which
simplifies installation under Linux of the required python files.

PAGE is a tool which helps to create GUI for Python programs.  It uses
Tk and Tix widgets.  PAGE is not an end-all, be-all tool, but rather
one that attempts to ease the burden on the Python programmer. It is
aimed at the user who will put up with a less-than-general GUI
capability in order to get an easily generated GUI. It does not build
an entire application but rather is aimed at building a single GUI

PAGE is based on Stewart Allen's Visual Tcl program. In fact, it is
vTcl, with an additional module that generates Python code and some
bug fixes.  PAGE is built on version 1.2.2 of Visual Tcl, version
8.1.1 of Tix, and Tcl/Tk version 8.3.2. It works with Python 2.0.
This is an early version which run on Linux. It supports many Tk
widgets and a subset of the Tix widget set.  The user will have to
acquire and install Tix8.1.1 and tcl8.3.2 to use this program.

The PAGE web site is

Don Rozenberg
rozen at

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