[ANNOUNCE] pyAda, first public release

John English je at bton.ac.uk
Thu Mar 1 09:21:11 EST 2001

Brad Clements wrote:
> I thought one of the big points of using Ada was its verifiability -- making
> it more suitable for complex, "large-scale" (i.e, expensive) projects, like
> missile defense.
> Plugging in a "non-verifiable" script plug-in kinda defeats this purpose..
> doesn't it?

You're asking for a pure Ada implementation of Python, then. Even
without this, being able to embed a Python (or Tcl) interpreter
into an existing system can be very useful, as it lets you provide
the system with a macro language as part of the user interface...

 John English              | mailto:je at brighton.ac.uk
 Senior Lecturer           | http://www.it.bton.ac.uk/staff/je
 Dept. of Computing        | ** NON-PROFIT CD FOR CS STUDENTS **
 University of Brighton    |    -- see http://burks.bton.ac.uk

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