newbie: meta question

Lloyd Sommerer lsommerer at
Fri Mar 2 11:02:43 EST 2001

With three weeks and one (more or less) complete program under my belt,
I have some worries.  I want to know if I'm doing things that make sense
in python.  Am I making good use of language features?  Is there
anything I've twisted to do something when there is a tool to do just
that thing?  Am I missing anything that would turn many lines of ugly
code into a few lines of pretty code?

Those are the things I'm worried about; my question is:  Is it
considered good etiquette here to ask people to look at a program and
comment on those types of things.  I've been reading the group for a few
weeks, and have not seen anyone do that, so I thought I'd ask.

If the answer turns out to be that it is okay, the next question would
be whether to post the program (29k) or post a link to it?


Lloyd Sommerer

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