Newbie needs help to find bug in his first Perl program

Ron Stephens rdsteph at
Sun Mar 25 23:24:14 EST 2001

Thanks, Richard, you solved my problem, despite my fuzzy question ;-))) and
to the rest of you, yes, I will try to be much more careful and precise from
now on when asking for help! Point acknowledged.

Thanks to all who answered.. By the way , here is a copy of my now debugged
and working program

Richard Bosnjakovic wrote:

> Ron Stephens wrote:
> > Can anyone see what is wrong with this? I have several lines like this
> > and they all give me error messages.
> *What* error messages? I don't think anyone want to *guess* what kind of
> error messages you get.
> There's no format-specifier named "%y".
> --
> Rikard Bosnjakovic - - ICQ: 1158217
> Anyone sending unwanted advertising e-mail to my address will be
> charged $250 for network traffic and computing time. By extracting my
> address from this message or its header, you agree to these terms.
-------------- next part --------------
print "Decision Analysis Beta Test 0.1"
print "To Help You Decide Amongst Various Alternatives"
print "A General Program Requiring User Input"

number = input ("type a numeral from 2 to 5 to indicate how many options do you want to decide amongst and then press enter:")

x = 1

option1 = raw_input ("what is option1:")

x = x + 1
option2 = raw_input ("what is option2:")
x = x + 1
while x:
	if x > number: break
	option3 = raw_input ("what is option3:")
	x = x + 1
	if x > number: break
	option4 = raw_input ("what is option4:")
	x = x + 1
	if x > number: break
	option5 = raw_input ("what is option5:")

criteria = input ("How many criteria do you want to use for this decision? Type a numeral from 3 to 6 and then press enter")
y = 1

criteria1 = raw_input ("what is criterium1:")

y = y + 1
criteria2 = raw_input ("what is criterium2:")
y = y + 1
while y:
	if y > criteria: break
	criteria3 = raw_input ("what is criterium3:")
	y = y + 1
	if y > criteria: break
	criteria4 = raw_input ("what is criterium4:")
	y = y + 1
	if y > criteria: break
	criteria5 = raw_input ("what is criterium5:")
	y = y + 1
	if y > criteria: break
	criteria6 = raw_input ("what is criterium6:")

z = 1
print "Of the criteria you have listed, please give each one a rank when prompted, with 1 being the most important criteria, 2 being the second most important, etc. In other words, after being prompted for each ranking criteria, enter a numeral from 1 to x where x is the total number of ranking criteria you are using, and then press enter."
while z:
	rank1 = input ("what is the rank for %s " %criteria1)
	z = z + 1
	rank2 = input ("what is the rank for %s " %criteria2)
	z = z + 1
	if z > criteria: break
	rank3 = input ("what is the rank for %s " %criteria3)
	z = z + 1
	if z > criteria: break
	rank4 = input ("what is the rank for %s " %criteria4)
	z = z + 1
	if z > criteria: break
	rank5 = input ("what is the rank for %s " %criteria5)
	z = z + 1
	if z > criteria: break
	rank6 = input ("what is the rank for %s " %criteria6)

q = 1
while q:
	a = 1
	while a:
		oneone = input ("where does %s rank for %s ?" % (option1, criteria1))
		a = a + 1
		onetwo = input ("where does %s rank for %s ?" % (option1, criteria2))
		a = a + 1
		if a > criteria: break
		onethree = input ("where does %s rank for %s ?" % (option1, criteria3))
		a = a + 1
		if a > criteria: break
		onefour = input ("where does %s rank for %s ?" % (option1, criteria4))
		a = a + 1
		if a > criteria: break
		onefive = input ("where does %s rank for %s ?" % (option1, criteria5))
		a = a + 1
		if a > criteria: break

		onesix = input ("where does %s rank for %s ?" % (option1, criteria6))
	q = q + 1

	if q > number: break		
	b = 1
	while b:
		twoone = input ("where does %s rank for %s ?" % (option2, criteria1))
		b = b + 1
		twotwo = input ("where does %s rank for %s ?" % (option2, criteria2))
		if b > criteria: break
		b = b + 1
		twothree = input ("where does %s rank for %s ?" % (option2, criteria3))
		b = b + 1
		if b > criteria: break
		twofour = input ("where does %s rank for %s ?" % (option2, criteria4))
		b = b + 1
		if b > criteria: break
		twofive = input ("where does %s rank for %s ?" % (option2, criteri5))
		b = b + 1
		if b > criteria: break
		twosix = input ("where does %s rank for %s ?" % (option2, criteria6))
		b = b + 1

	q = q + 1

	if q > number: break		
	c = 1
	while c:
		threeone = input ("where does %s rank for %s ?" % (option3, criteria1))
		c = c + 1
		threetwo = input ("where does %s rank for %s ?" % (option3, criteria2))
		c = c + 1
		if c > criteria: break
		threethree = input ("where does %s rank for %s ?" % (option3, criteria3))
		c = c + 1
		if c > criteria: break
		threefour = input ("where does %s rank for %s ?" % (option3, criteria4))
		c = c + 1
		if c > criteria: break
		threefive = input ("where does %s rank for %s ?" % (option3, criteria5))
		c = c + 1
		if c > criteria: break
		threesix = input ("where does %s rank for %s ?" % (option3, criteria6))

	q = q + 1

	if q > number: break		

	d = 1
	while d:
		fourone = input ("where does %s rank for %s ?" % (option4, criteria1))
		d = d + 1
		fourtwo = input ("where does %s rank for %s ?" % (option4, criteria2))
		d = d + 1
		if d > criteria: break
		fourthree = input ("where does %s rank for %s ?" % (option4, criteria3))
		d = d + 1
		if d > criteria: break
		fourfour = input ("where does %s rank for %s ?" % (option4, criteria4))
		d = d + 1
		if d > criteria: break
		fourfive = input ("where does %s rank for %s ?" % (option4, criteria5))
		d = d + 1
		if d > criteria: break
		foursix = input ("where does %s rank for %s ?" % (option4, criteria6))

	q = q + 1

	if q > number: break		

	e = 1
	while e:
		fiveone = input ("where does %s rank for %s ?" % (option5, criteria1))
		e = e + 1
		fivetwo = input ("where does %s rank for %s ?" % (option5, criteria2))
		e = e + 1
		if e > criteria: break
		fivethree = input ("where does %s rank for %s ?" % (option5, criteria3))
		e = e + 1
		if e > criteria: break
		fivefour = input ("where does %s rank for %s ?" % (option5, criteria4))
		e = e + 1
		if e > criteria: break
		fivefive = input ("where does %s rank for %s ?" % (option5, criteria5))
		e = e + 1
		if e > criteria: break
		fivesix = input ("where does %s rank for %s ?" % (option5, criteria6))

	q = q + 1

	if q > number: break

	f = 1
	while f:
		sixone = input ("where does %s rank for %s ?" % (option6, criteria1))
		f = f + 1
		sixtwo = input ("where does %s rank for %s ?" % (option6, criteria2))
		f = f + 1
		if f > criteria: break
		sixthree = input ("where does %s rank for %s ?" % (option6, criteria3))
		f = f + 1
		if f > criteria: break
		sixfour = input ("where does %s rank for %s ?" % (option6, criteria4))
		f = f + 1
		if f > criteria: break
		sixfive = input ("where does %s rank for %s ?" % (option6, criteria5))
		f = f + 1
		if f > criteria: break
		sixsix = input ("where does %s rank for %s ?" % (option6, criteria6))

if criteria < 4:
    onefour = 0
    onefive = 0
    onesix = 0
    twofour = 0
    twofive = 0
    twosix = 0
    threefour = 0
    threefive = 0
    threesix = 0
    fourfour = 0
    fourfive = 0
    foursix = 0
    fivefour = 0
    fivefive = 0
    fivesix = 0

    rank4 = 0
    rank5 = 0
    rank6 = 0
elif criteria < 5:
    onefive = 0
    onesix = 0
    twofive = 0
    twosix = 0
    threefive = 0
    threesix = 0
    fourfive = 0
    foursix = 0
    fivefive = 0
    fivesix = 0
    sixfive = 0
    sixsix = 0

    rank5 = 0
    rank6 = 0
elif criteria < six:
    onesix = 0
    twosix = 0
    threesix = 0
    foursix = 0
    fivesix = 0
    sixsix = 0

    rank6 = 0    

    print "These are the scores for each option. The highest score is the best option"
w = 1
while w:				
	valueoption1 = (oneone)*(7-rank1) + (onetwo)*(7-rank2) + (onethree)*(7-rank3) + (onefour)*(7 - rank4) + (onefive)*(7-rank5) +(onesix)*(7-rank6)
	w = w + 1
	if w > number: break
	valueoption2 = (twoone)*(7-rank1) + (twotwo)*(7-rank2) + (twothree)*(7-rank3) + (twofour)*(7 - rank4) + (twofive)*(7-rank5) +(twosix)*(7-rank6)
	w = w + 1
	if w > number: break
	valueoption3 = (threeone)*(7-rank1) + (threetwo)*(7-rank2) + (threethree)*(7-rank3) + (threefour)*(7 - rank4) + (threefive)*(7-rank5) +(threesix)*(7-rank6)
	w = w + 1
	if w > number: break
	valueoption4 = (fourone)*(7-rank1) + (fourtwo)*(7-rank2) + (fourthree)*(7-rank3) + (fourfour)*(7 - rank4) + (fourfive)*(7-rank5) +(foursix)*(7-rank6)
	w = w + 1
	if w > number: break
	valueoption5 = (fiveone)*(7-rank1) + (fivetwo)*(7-rank2) + (fivethree)*(7-rank3) + (fivefour)*(7 - rank4) + (fivefive)*(7-rank5) +(fivesix)*(7-rank6)
	w = w + 1
	if w > number: break
	valueoption6 = (oneone)*(7-rank1) + (sixtwo)*(7-rank2) + (sixthree)*(7-rank3) + (sixfour)*(7 - rank4) + (sixfive)*(7-rank5) +(sixsix)*(7-rank6)
r = 1
while r:
	print "%s is valued at %d" % (option1, valueoption1)
	r = r + 1
	if r > number: break
	print "%s is valued at %d" % (option2, valueoption2)
	r = r + 1
	if r > number: break
	print "%s is valued at %d" % (option3, valueoption3)
	r = r + 1
	if r > number: break
	print "%s is valued at %d" % (option4, valueoption4)
	r = r + 1
	if r > number: break
	print "%s is valued at %d" % (option5, valueoption5)
	r = r + 1
	if r > number: break
	print "%s is valued at %d" % (option6, valueoption6)
	r = r + 1
	if r > number: break

print "the option with the highest score is the best choice!!!"

print "Thank you for using DecisionAnalysis. Comments and suggestions are welcome and can be addressed to Ron Stephens at rdsteph at"








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