warrior geeks

Carlos Alberto Reis Ribeiro cribeiro at mail.inet.com.br
Mon Mar 26 14:13:21 EST 2001

At 16:48 26/03/01 +0000, Garry Hodgson wrote:
>it seemed like an odd coincidence, but it made me wonder: is there an
>unusually high percentage of MA practitioners among the python
>or the open source community?  or software in general?

Some time ago I've seen this same topic debated (I think that it was at 
Slashdot or some similar site). If I remember well, someone got to talk 
about some Open Source gurus that are Martial Arts pratictioners (I think 
that someone cited Eric S. Raymond and other well know guys -- my memory 
isn't that good, so take it with a large grain of salt <wink>)

Anyway I think that this is mostly related to the open, inquisitive nature 
of the geek culture. I myself have never practiced MA, but I was deeply 
involve in oriental philosophy for several years - Budhism, Zen, Tao, I 
Ching, tea ceremonies and other assorted things... And I would like to 
learn Kendo - if I could find a good teacher in my city.

Carlos Ribeiro

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