Where can I find Docs on how to use the debugger please?

cmfinlay at SPAMmagnet.com.au cmfinlay at SPAMmagnet.com.au
Tue Mar 13 21:35:45 EST 2001

Where can I find Docs on how to use the debugger please?

I am using the Win32 version of Python 2.1

I would like to set a breakpoint
and then later step down the source code line by line.
and view the source code as it is executed.

I am using a different file for each module.

I have looked in some standard online docs and all I found was help on
the keyboard and menus.

Also is there a better debugger with a GUI for Python available
(I am willing to try other OSes.)

Thank you for your time in reading this.

Colin Finlay
cmfinlay at SPAMmagnet.com.au

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