I come to praise .join, not to bury it...

Nathaniel Gray n8gray at caltech.edu.is.my.e-mail.address
Thu Mar 8 01:24:01 EST 2001

Alex Martelli wrote:

> [snip]
> I am not a native speaker of English, but . . .
> [snip]

When I read this statement, my first reaction was to laugh out loud.  I 
know innumerable native English speakers and only a select few of them can 
compose sentences with the clarity (much less verbosity) of Alex' posts.  
This has got to be some sort of joke.

Then I realized that of course it was the truth.  A robot's native language 
is binary, or perhaps some sort of hexadecimal machine language, but 
definitely not English.  It probably took a massive data set to train the 
Martelli-bot's advanced neural networks to communicate using the English 
language.  I'm sure he (it?) has to restrain itself (himself?) to keep from 
from posting in streams of Python bytecodes (bzip2 compressed for 
efficiency).  :-)

Luckily,-on-the-internet-nobody-knows-I'm-a-dog-ly y'rs,


             Nathaniel Gray
   California Institute of Technology
     Computation and Neural Systems
     n8gray <at> caltech <dot> edu

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