Einstein's Riddle

Donal K. Fellows fellowsd at cs.man.ac.uk
Tue Mar 13 11:34:05 EST 2001

Thaddeus L Olczyk wrote:
> I also figure the fish thing was simply a typo, and that this guy (
> who hasn't resdponded ) was probably given this as a homework
> assignement, and is simply looking for a cheap way to get it done.

That'd be a very lame homework assignment.  Not unless you had to write
a program in $FAVOURITE_LANGUAGE to compute the answer automatically
(which is much more interesting, especially if you make the program
start from the natural language expression of the problem!  :^)

Donal K. Fellows    http://www.cs.man.ac.uk/~fellowsd/    fellowsd at cs.man.ac.uk
"I wouldn't just call you wrong.  I'd go further and call you an argumentative
 net-kook idiot who can't do his own research before opening his mouth and
 yammering bullshit."                -- Theo de Raadt <deraadt at zeus.theos.com>

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