wxPython UI refresh

Wiwih Gunadi wcanopy at covad.net
Wed Mar 14 19:15:49 EST 2001

"Vadim Zeitlin" <zeitlin at seth.lpthe.jussieu.fr> wrote in message
news:slrn9avc13.p8n.zeitlin at seth.lpthe.jussieu.fr...

>  Try calling Win32 ::UpdateWindow() directly on the embedded window
> you can find its HWND somehow) and/or sending it WM_PAINT explicitly
> you need the HWND).

How do I call UpdateWindow in wxPython?? isn't it encapsulated in the
wxWindow.Refresh() method?  I tried it, it didn't work.

> >BTW, Excel is not an ActiveX control is it? i.e. it's impossible to
> >Excel like IE with the activexwrapper, right?
>  Wrong, you can embed it, of course. Try putting an Excel table inside a
> document and editing it.

Yes, but how to do it in wxPython??
I tried to load the Excel object library, there isn't the equivalent of
WebControl object of IE in Excel.

When I tried to MakeActiveXClass() the Excel.Application, it complains
because it can't find the UI part which leads me to believe that Excel can't
be treated as an ActiveX control.


>  Regards,
> VZ
> --
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> -po+ R++ G`` !tv b+++ D--- e++++ u++ h--- f+ r++ n- y?

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