Linuxconf modules in python

Gustavo Niemeyer niemeyer at
Thu Mar 15 08:36:58 EST 2001

Hello people!!

I'd like to announce the release of Pythonmod, a Linuxconf module
written in C++ that embeds and extends python, allowing one to
build new modules for Linuxconf with just a few lines of Python.
Most of the functionalities available in the C++ interface have
been wrapped and are available at the python layer.

As usual in Linuxconf, when you build a python module you don't
have to care about every interface available. The same python
code will make the module available in all interfaces (web, X,
console, and java).

I must write some documentation about it, but the best way to
understand how it works is probably to take a look at the example
included in the modules/pythonmod/examples directory of Linuxconf's
sources (pythonmod is already included in standard Linuxconf).

To make a module be loaded by Linuxconf, just drop the python file
inside /usr/lib/linuxconf/pythonmod. If you are using the treemenu,
remove /var/state/linuxconf/treemenu.cache to reset the treemenu
cache (I must find a better way to do this).

Please, contact me if you have any doubts or would like more
information about it (#linuxconf at is also
a good place).

Best regards!!

Gustavo Niemeyer

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