Static typing (was Re: Java guy interested in Python)

Don Dwiggins dwig at
Wed Mar 7 19:00:08 EST 2001

Marcin Kowalczyk writes:
> I use static typing to protect myself from errors, and to define
> interfaces, and to dispatch polymorphic code (on types rather than
> values), and to think about a piece of code before I write it. So it
> definitely is a purpose.


> Neither static typing nor dynamic typing is better suited than the
> other for all purposes. Both approaches have very strong good reasons.
>> From this it follows that static vs. dynamic typing flamewars will
> never end :-)

Well said.

So, are there any efforts in the Python community to provide something in
this area?  I'm thinking of things like type inference, and of something
like "permissive typing" (compiler/interpreter to programmer: "you don't have
to tell me the type of a variable or argument, but if you do, I'll use that
information to help you wherever I can").

Don Dwiggins                    "Solvitur Ambulando"
Advanced MP Technology
dwig at

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