Looking for web indexer in python (fwd)

Dr. David Mertz mertz at gnosis.cx
Sat Mar 17 20:18:27 EST 2001

Roy Smith <roy at panix.com> wrote:
|The software development group I work in has a small internal web site (a
|few hundred documents) which we don't currently have any way of searching.
|I'd like to put an automated indexer/search system in place.  If possible,
|I'd like to use python, since I think it would be a nifty way to introduce
|the group to the language.

Well...  I'd love it if my recent indexer turns out to prove useful to


Public domain, so you can do what you like with it.  It does not have a
CGI interface yet, but it does the indexing/searching part pretty
nicely.  Best of luck.

Yours, David...

P.S. I *did* actually submit this to Parnassus a week or two ago... it
seems to have gotten lost there.  Dunno why.  I guess I'll try doing
their forms again (although I have had a similar submission experience
in the past).

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