Brian Kelley kelley at
Sat Mar 10 16:52:48 EST 2001

GladeBase is an interface to the xml output of Glade (a gtk user
interface designer).

GladeBase has been used internally at Bioreason, Inc for at least 8
months and we have shipped several products using this interface.

GladeBase was designed to give easy access to the functionalities of
libglade through automatically binding a UI class to the Glade designed
window and a Controller class to the Glade defined callbacks.  In this
fashion it supplies a model-view-controller implementation.  A tutorial
was given at the Python 9 conference introducing Gtk/Glade and the MVC
implementation.  This tutorial, as well as the GladeBase sources, are
available at the following url's (this will be available
early next week)

There are also some simple examples using Gtk and using Glade that are
currently available and more are on their way.  The tutorial audience
really was pressing the question, "how do you launch other programs
without locking the GUI?"


Brian Kelley          Bioreason, Inc
505 995-8188 ext 207  150 Washington St Suite 303
kelley at  Santa Fe, NM, 87501

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