Can anyone recomend a good intoduction to C...

Grant Griffin not.this at
Wed Mar 7 13:49:00 EST 2001

In article <77up6.1289$y6.235541 at>, grante at says...
>In article <983958878.976344 at>, Werner Schiendl wrote:
>>> I don't think C deserves all the superlatives you apply to it,
>>> but I agree that it's instructive to study C++ as an example of
>>> a language that gets it wrong. Take a good language, C; add
>>> some good ideas; and end up with a baroque mess. Fascinating.
>>To be completely honest, I can not see the obvius reason why
>>C++ should be such a bad programming language.
>It's complicated and unsafe.  Either one is tolerable without
>the other.  When you combine the two, you're dead.

I dunno...I think you've hit on exactly its _strength_: it's complicated and

As a virtually 100.0% backwards-compatible superset of C, it has little choice
but to be complicated and unsafe.  By "unsafe", maybe you are referring to its
backwards-compatibility with C's pointers: C++ is unsafe because C is unsafe. 
By "complicated", maybe you are refererring to the fact that it supports both
procedural programming (from C) and OO programming (which is its whole reason to

But those of us who like C++ don't regret its complication or its unsafety; we
lthink of that more as being "powerful" and "flexible".

I would agree that C++ is somewhat _unnecessarily_ compilicated (primarily in
terms of its silly protection features), but then again, nothing's perfect. 
(Heck, even Python has "warts". <wink>)

Still, in terms of its design goal (of grafting OO onto C while being 100.0%
backwards-compatible), I personally think C++ is a real Work of Art.  (In
contrast, I find Perl's approach to grafting on OO to be distinctly hokey.)  I
think that C++'s choice of design goal, in combination with its success in
meeting that goal, adequately explains why large numbers of lemmings use it.

>>It is widely available (on almost any platform, I would guess).
>If 1 billion people do a stupid thing, it's still a stupid thing.

(And you gotta admire the chutzpah of that one guy who thinks that the 1 billion
people who disagree with him must, ipso facto, be wrong. <wink>)

>>It supports for a real large number of different design approaches.
>That isn't always a good thing. ;)

   -agree?-<wink>-ly y'rs



Grant R. Griffin                                       g2 at
Publisher of dspGuru                 
Iowegian International Corporation  

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